ISOFOAM INSULATING MATERIALS PLANTS W.L.L. – KUWAIT, was established in the year 1973 as a subsidiary Company of M/s. Mohammed Abdulmohsin Al Kharafi & Sons. Since its inception ISOFOAM took a leading role in the manufacture of a variety of insulation products, virtually suitable for all types of needs of the construction industry. Thermal insulations are the only weapon to win the battle to increase energy efficiency. ISOFOAM's production programme covers a wide range of Thermal Insulation Products such as - Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation (Extruded Polystyrene and Expanded Moulded polystyrene boards), Polyurethane slabstocks, Preformed pipe insulation and Prefabricated sandwich panels. A specialized product EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE FOAM BOARDS (ISOBOARD) produced at its plant at Sabhan Industrial Area by a continuous fully automated extrusion process in accordance with the international specifications and standards. The product is made from Ozone friendly blowing agents in compliance with Montreal Protocol to safeguard the environment.